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The chronic pain of IT security

Healthcare providers are among the most heavily regulated organizations in the world. Today, the healthcare industry is relying more and more on information technology to keep its services effective and accessible. Hackers are getting better and better at targeting these services, and in the healthcare industry, stolen data means violated privacy.

Your infrastructure needs are changing fast, with the latest and greatest technology piling endlessly on existing systems that can end up nearly impossible to keep track of. In the midst of all that, you're under the gun to prove you're compliant with HIPAA. How do you know if your organization is secure? How would you prove it? Are the tools you have keeping all of your devices up-to-date with new software patches as they are released?

If those questions make you anxious, don't worry; Lithik can help.

We have developed the tools you need for eliminating risk without overworking your staff or interfering with your operations. The Lithik Security Manager is designed with configurable automation policies that just work. Patches are kept current, software updates are pushed out automatically within hours of their release, and you are always kept aware of the important security factors on your network with customized reports that prove you're staying safe.

Take control of your network, and use the Lithik Security Manager to protect your organization from being breached. Ask us about a free trial today.

Looking for a second opinion?

Even though technology is constantly changing — and nowhere more than in healthcare — the basic principles of security are simple and few. We can help you incorporate those best practices into what you're already doing. Our goal is to make you more secure and less exhausted.

Lithik has helped a multitude of organizations design and implement network architectures that promote strong security while simultaneously reducing IT workload. Simple, efficient networks can give you the best of both worlds.

If you want help with purchasing decisions, architecture, or even troubleshooting persistent problems, give us a call! Knowing what firewalls and antivirus systems work and are cost effective takes substantial research that we at Lithik have already done. The same is true when designing an architecture that is easily managed, safe from breach, and appropriately insulates you from a breach in a third party vendor. Wouldn't you rather spend 15 minutes on the phone with us than end up wasting your money, or getting a HIPAA violation?

Our burden is for every organization to be secure from electronic attack, and we never have better leverage to accomplish that goal than when somebody asks our advice. Let us write you our prescription for simple, solid security. Ask us about our affordable IT consulting today.

© 2021 Lithik Systems, Inc.
118 Graceland Boulevard, Suite 208, Columbus, OH 43214