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Are you ready for an audit?

Banks and credit unions are among the most heavily regulated organizations in the world. At one time, abiding by that regulation was relatively simple. Keep good records, have a strong vault, and call the police if you're getting robbed. Today, the financial industry is relying more and more on information technology to keep its services competitive and relevant, which opens up an entirely new vector of attack which you're responsible for policing. Hackers are getting better and better at targeting these services and the cost of stolen data is high.

How do you know if your organization is actually secure? You have tools that are supposedly fixing problems, but it's not until you have an outsider review your network that you get feedback on how those efforts turned out. If your tools couldn't detect the issues your last audit highlighted, it can be difficult to actually tell if you resolved those issues until you get tested again. Maybe you do manage to clean up the issues that were discovered, but can't see new ones as they crop up.

Don't worry; Lithik can help.

We've spent more than a decade helping banks and credit unions stay safe, and we have developed the tools you need for eliminating risk without overworking your staff. The Lithik Security Manager is designed with configurable automation policies that just work. Patches are kept current, software updates are pushed out automatically within hours of their release, and you are always kept aware of the important security factors on your network and the progress you're making towards security.

Take control of your network, and use the Lithik Security Manager to protect your organization from being breached. Ask us about a free trial today.

More than compliance

Often, an IT security audit can seem like a waste of money. Sure, you get one because you have to, but your organization isn't really stronger for it. We've seen many of the IT audits our clients have received. They're usually confusing and overly detailed. For all the problems they report, they fail to provide any solutions. These kinds of audits can be like tornados, disrupting business systems and leaving IT staff sitting in the rubble, trying to come up with a remediation plan to present to the Board.

Lithik's audits aren't like that. Our audits require a minimum of your time, avoid disruption of your network, and they leave you with strong, simple action steps for cleaning things up without breaking the budget or pulling out your hair. We will never give you a finding without also explaining what the options are for solving it. If you want, you can even end your audit with a free trial of our flagship Lithik Security Manager, which will likely clean up most of the problems we found — automatically. We've had a number of clients who have fully completed their remediation of the findings within a week of receiving their report.

We don't want to simply help you check a box. Our burden is for every organization to be secure from electronic attack, and each aspect of our audits is designed to give you the real information you need to be secure. Contact us today to find out more!

© 2021 Lithik Systems, Inc.
118 Graceland Boulevard, Suite 208, Columbus, OH 43214